Good Mocktail Explore Tasty and Refreshing Mocktail Recipes

🍹 Citrus Sunrise Mocktail Recipe

Looking for a refreshing mocktail recipe? Try our Citrus Sunrise Mocktail made with freshly squeezed orange, grapefruit, and lime juice. Perfect for any occasion!

Citrus Sunrise Mocktail

You will need:

  • freshly squeezed orange juice1 cup of freshly squeezed orange juice
  • grapefruit juice1/2 cup of grapefruit juice
  • lime juice1/4 cup of lime juice
  • honey2 tablespoons of honey


  1. Start by squeezing fresh oranges until you have 1 cup of juice.
  2. Next, measure out 1/2 cup of grapefruit juice and 1/4 cup of lime juice.
  3. Combine the orange, grapefruit, and lime juices in a large pitcher.
  4. Add 2 tablespoons of honey to the pitcher and stir until well combined.
  5. Pour the mocktail into glasses and serve chilled.


For an added touch, garnish each glass with a slice of citrus fruit.

Wake up to a refreshing start with our Citrus Sunrise Mocktail. This invigorating non-alcoholic drink combines the tangy flavors of orange, grapefruit, and lime juices, sweetened with a touch of honey. Not only does it make a delightful morning refresher, but it's also a perfect addition to your summer party menu.

Why choose a mocktail? Mocktails offer a fantastic way to enjoy the complexity of cocktail flavors without the alcohol. They are perfect for those who prefer to avoid alcohol, are designated drivers, or simply want to try something new and delicious. If you're new to the world of mocktails, our Citrus Sunrise is a great place to start. For more inspiration, check out our popular mocktail recipes.

Explore More Flavors

Once you've mastered the Citrus Sunrise, why not explore more exotic flavors? Our international mocktail recipes guide will take you on a global tour of taste, from the tropical flavors of the Caribbean to the spicy zest of Asia.

Or perhaps you're looking for a non-alcoholic alternative to your favorite cocktail? Our non-alcoholic cocktail recipes provide plenty of options for you to try. Who knows, you might just find your new favorite drink!

Remember, the key to a great mocktail is balance. The Citrus Sunrise is a perfect example of this, with the tartness of the citrus juices perfectly balanced by the sweetness of the honey. So, get creative, experiment with flavors, and most importantly, have fun!

Here's to discovering the world of delicious and refreshing mocktails with Good Mocktail. Cheers!